When choosing a foldable business card, it is essential to add more value to it for generating interest. You might be wondering how. Well, to get the answers to your question, you will need to read this article. Fold-over cards have more space than regular cards, which lets you add more design, text, and value.
According to an article published in Entrepreneur, business cards are popular even today because creative cards stay in the minds of your customers, which is continuous brand marketing in this age of digital transformation. Here are four ways you can add more value to your foldable business card for reaping maximum benefits:
- Give away something useful
You can add more value to a fold-over business card by building a rapport with your prospects by providing them with some valuable information. It could be a promo code for a discounted e-course, a free report, or some free tips sent through email.
A foldable card is the best tool to include some valuable info. Tell your prospects why your products are better than that of your competitors. Highlight the benefits of your business card. You can include a catchy tagline or an offer saying buy two coffees and get the third one free.
- Make your card multi-dimensional
It is cost-effective to print business cards and therefore, you need to think of folded varieties rather than one-side cards. You can make the best use of folded cards the inner and outside parts. On one side, you can include your business contact details and keep the other side reserved for deals, discounts, or combo offers.
Folded business cards that open in two panels look attractive and you can include info such as:
- A check for purchasing your kind of items
- Tips to use your niche products or services
- Contact detail of your business
- Add an event schedule and survey
When you are using foldable business cards to promote your brand, add a schedule of the events or forthcoming promotions or sales in one panel of the card. You may tag this into a coupon, which is a part of your folded business card.
Yes, you can include a short survey in the card, which is an effective way to collect some useful consumer data. Your customers will answer the survey questions printed on the foldable card. You can give away a sample product for people to answer all questions correctly.
- Add a tagline that highlights your product benefits
Use your folded card in a way that gives buyers the reason to purchase your products or use your services. Print a catchy tagline to persuade why customers should use your products and what makes your goods out of the box. All you need to do is write a benefit-driven tagline. If you are not sure to do this, hire a copywriter to do the job.
Final thoughts
These are some of the best ways to add more value to your foldable business card. When distributing them, hand out a couple of extras.