In terms of having fibre, potassium, calcium, vitamin C, etc., we often include figs in our diet. Being caring dog owners, we may think, Can dogs have figs?
Luckily, dogs can enjoy the nutrients of figs, but with some exceptions. For instance, dogs who are diabetic should not eat fig as it is sugary. Again, dogs who are allergic to fruits should also avoid this fruit.
Even if a dog is not allergic or diabetic, eating figs can be risky for them if not taken in the right way. This article is all about the safety concerns related to offering gigs to dogs.
Can Dogs Have Figs?
Figs can be a great addition to a dog’s diet as they contain several nutrients. However, dogs may not get the real benefits of figs as much as we do. Anyway, they can somewhat benefit from these fruits.
According to some veterinarians, offering figs to dogs can be good for their bones, heart, digestive system, metabolism function, muscles, etc. It’s all because of the loaded vitamins and minerals present in figs.
Well, you should exercise some caution before letting your paw friend eat this luscious fruit. For example, you must avoid dried figs for him, then remove the stems and leaves from the fruit, offering it to him in bite-sized pieces, and so on. Most importantly, you need to know whether he has any allergies to figs or any other fruits. You can ask his vet whether figs can be a good treat for him.
What Are The Benefits Of Offering Figs To Dogs?
Figs are a healthy fruit, so you can expect some health benefits from them for your dog. For example, fresh figs contain vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin K, iron, zinc, calcium, magnesium, and copper. Each of these nutrients serves different purposes.
With vitamin A, your dog can improve his vision, growth, and immune system. On the other hand, vitamin C will aid in iron absorption, support collagen formation, fight cancer, and so on. Vitamin K will reduce the risks of blood clotting, regulate blood sugar levels, promote bone development, and so on.
Like the vitamins, the minerals present in figs can do wonders for our canine friends. For instance, their iron content will maintain dogs’ haemoglobin levels, provide protein to the red blood cells, boost hormonal growth, etc. Again, the zinc in this fruit will improve metabolism function and the immune system and promote wound healing.
The calcium in figs will keep your dog’s teeth and bones healthy. The magnesium will make his nerves, muscles, and bones healthy. Lastly, the copper will take care of the nerve cells, blood cells, and immune system.
Figs are also a good source for promoting the gut health of dogs. Thanks to their high fibre content, it regulates bowel movement and prevents constipation.
Can Figs Be Bad For Dogs?
Figs can be bad for dogs when they eat dried figs or too many fresh figs. A dried fig does not hold the same nutrients as a fresh fig. When the figs are dried, their sugar content becomes more concentrated and high. Although the sugar present in fruits is good for dogs, too much sugar is not good for them. Unfortunately, dried figs are too sugary, making them an unsafe alternative for dogs. If your paw friend is dealing with diabetes, a dried fig can be life-threatening for him. Apart from that, these figs can put on weight in dogs, resulting in overweight or obesity.
Fresh figs contain less sugar than dried figs, but that doesn’t mean dogs can have them as much as they want. The sugar level is still present in the fresh ones. Hence, your dog can be in danger if he eats too many figs.
Other health hazards can come when your dog eats the stems, leaves, and bark of figs. These parts contain toxic compounds, which can result in fig poisoning. The symptoms could be rashes and irritation on the skin and gut.
How To Offer Figs To Dogs?
Always offer fresh figs to dogs, not dried figs or any products that have figs. Start by rinsing the fruit, cutting it from the middle, then chop its flesh and make it bite-sized. You can add those pieces to the dog food or to other fruits and veggies that your dog eats every day.
Another way to serve figs to dogs is by blending their pieces and making them pure. Then free the pureed fig in ice cube trays. You can offer one ice cube of fig to your canine friend in a day. This can be a superb way to serve fruits to him in the hot summer.
How Many Figs Can Dogs Have?
We know figs are only safe for dogs when eaten in small portions. But what is the exact amount? Well, the exact amount of food offered to dogs depends on their size. For example, Pomeranians and other extra-small breeds can eat ¼ of a fresh fig. Small dogs, like miniature American Shepherds, can eat half a fresh fig. Medium dogs, like Australian Cattle Dogs, can eat one fig easily, and large dogs, like German Shepherds, can eat 1 ½ figs. Saint Bernards and other extra-large dogs should not eat more than two figs.
Sometimes, we see our pets deny having more than a couple of bites. In that case, you must stop serving figs to them. It is a sign that they are uncomfortable eating this fruit anymore.
Frequently Asked Questions: Can Dogs Have Figs?
Can dogs have figs every day?
Figs contain sugar; that’s why they are a sweet fruit. If a dog eats figs every day, he is ingesting sugar every day. This can increase his weight, leading to obesity. Besides, the high fibre in this fruit will upset his stomach from regular consumption.
Is the fig’s skin safe for dogs?
A fresh fig is entirely safe for dogs, except for its stems, bark, and leaves. While offering figs to your dog, you can include its skin; just remember to wash the fruit properly to alleviate the potential bacteria.
What should you do when your dog eats a dried fig?
The extreme sugar level in a dried fig can make dogs drool and vomit after a while. Your job is to monitor his symptoms, let him drink some water, and inform his vet before the severity of the reactions increases.
When can dogs eat figs?
Since fig is a sugary fruit, diabetic dogs should avoid it. The sugar can again be harmful for overweight or obese dogs. Hence, consider including this fruit in your dog’s diet when he needs sugar.
Final Verdict
Since figs pose health threats sometimes, we may think again: Can dogs have figs? The answer is yes if they are not diabetic, allergic, or overweight.
If you think your dog can eat a fig, consider giving it to him once or twice a week. Before that, ask his vet whether this fruit can be good for him. While offering a fig to your dog, let him eat the slightest amount of the fruit first. If he doesn’t give any negative reaction, you can continue offering figs to him.
Remember to remove the leaves, stems, and barks of the fruit, and always offer fresh fruit.