Business processes feel like they’re moving faster than ever. Zoom calls, email, and firms shifting to 24-hour services have made the corporate environment so demanding that tasks seem to be completed almost instantaneously.
It doesn’t matter how late a company stays open or how many Zoom meetings the team schedules in a day, though; one thing still takes a lot of time: shipping.
Whether you’re shipping documents across the country or delivering packages to the other side of town, shipping companies have to struggle for ways to move packages and catch up with the speed and demands of their clients.
There’s only so much one can do. Planes don’t fly any faster, truck drivers can only stay at the wheel for only so many hours.
But there are a few ways the shipping industry has figured out how to make changes that enable them to be quicker and more efficient.
Cetaris Fleet Management software is transforming the way its clients operate by providing comprehensive solutions for efficient fleet management. This software empowers companies to reach faster speeds of delivery, from streamlining maintenance processes to optimizing fuel efficiency and enhancing safety standards.
Featuring tracking and data-driven learning, Cetaris continually updates and becomes ever smarter at helping fleets to be safer, quicker, and more efficient. Armed with Cetaris Fleet Management software, firms in a variety of industries are unlocking the full potential of their fleet operations and paving their path to success in a highly competitive marketplace.
Drones are commonly used in the business arena, among such industries as film, construction, and even as a factor in–or alternative to–fireworks displays. But drones are also transforming the shipping industry.
It’s not just small boutique companies making use of this technology. Walmart has started to use drones and mini-planes to deliver products within 1.5 miles of a store.
According to the Walmart website, a drone will deliver up to ten pounds of products if they fit in the delivery bag. The products are lowered by cable to the customer.
Walmart appears to be the only major company currently offering this service, but if it’s successful, don’t be surprised if bigger drones turn up as tools in other industries, particularly as the public develops greater trust in this method of distribution.
Autonomous Ships
The development of autonomous ships is another exciting novelty in shipping. Autonomous ships may revolutionize the freight transport industry.
Compared to traditional vessels, self-operating vessels could offer many advantages, including lower operating costs, increased efficiency, and improved safety by reducing manual labor. In addition, automated systems are less susceptible to human error than their staffed counterparts.
Certain regulatory hurdles will have to be cleared before autonomous vessels can be deployed commercially, but eventually they could become a common sight on the world’s oceans. Rolls-Royce and Maersk are already testing autonomous ships.
Early results have shown promise. However, given current regulations and international laws, it is tough to foresee the full potential for the time being.
Companies like Amazon, Walmart, and Alibaba are building more warehouses across the globe to make products more accessible. Amazon already has 110 warehouses across the U.S. and 185 worldwide, with plans to build nearly 33 more in the next few years.
These warehouses aren’t your typical storage space, but structures that house 100,000 square feet and more to serve as do-it-all facilities. As warehouses continue to appear around the world operated by major companies, the turnaround time to get products to corporate clients and individual consumers will increasingly be next-day or even same-day. As the shipping industry innovates to meet growing consumer demands, individuals can contribute directly by exploring delivery driver jobs, which play a critical role in the final mile of the supply chain.
As the world continues to accelerate toward instant results and demands, the shipping industry will continue to search for ways to adjust and advance to keep up. Until teleportation becomes feasible, however (who knows?–maybe it will someday), shipping and delivery services will scramble to accelerate performance to meet the expectations of customers.